Friday 30 April 2010

What is a bigot?

You ask me to define what's bigotry.
Oh don't you know it means to disagree
With what I'll do, or do, or what I've done?
And furthermore, to add to all the fun,
To question these is bigotry as well;
You raise these themes, you'll go to Right-wing Hell.
For if, like me, you take it to be true,
"The Left is Good in everything we do,"
You'll see our lies and smears are Virtuous,
And every truth is Vile if not from us.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Holy Clegg

Heroic verse for an Heroic Soul,
A superman whose Grace has blessed us all.
Huge halos only rest on heads so big.
Rejoice! He has one big enough, does Nick.
It lets him keep both faces, Right and Left,
And speak to us with which we like the best.

"I'm Honest Nick, the One whom you can trust;
I'll talk about the need for 'savage cuts'.
But Tory plans to cut out waste this year
Are wrong. I hope my stance on this is clear.
With me the NHS won't be protected,
But wasteful spending will, if we're elected."

He'll call your name with such sincerity
And eyeball you. Who needs more scrutiny?
"Just look into my eyes and not around.
You're under." Wow! His policies are sound.
I can't recall exactly what they are.
He smiles well though, is tall, has pretty hair,
And best of all he knocks the other two;
He calls them old while he is paintjob new.

He makes a Jester's deep but silly claim,
"The more they argue, more they sound the same."
With whom does he agree? God only knows.
Nick isn't sure himself, in fairness though.
Career politician through and through,
He cynically projects himself as new.
Remember! All that glisters is not gold;
Your Saviour ain't as much 'new' Nick as 'Old'.

Wednesday 31 March 2010

The Anti-Say-What?

Our Trans-Atlantic cousins in the States,
It's true have many partisan debates;
But it starts to get surreal
When their overwhelming zeal
Leads from foolish fears to horrifying hates.

'Cause A quarter of Republicans believe - ah -
That their President's in fact the Great Deceiver.
They've abandoned being nice
Calling him the Anti-Christ,
Showing less brains than a labrador retriever.

All he wanted was to share the nation's wealth,
By providing poorer people better health.
Perhaps Jesus disapproves
Of such philanthropic moves
And would rather heal them one by one himself!

Mission Statement

1. To do what I originally intended to do with my previous blog, and comment on news/politics.
2. To make this more interesting and unique (hopefully!) by blogging in verse.
3. To combine thus two of my passions; poesy and politics.
4. To sharpen thus my mental faculties in those two areas too.